Accuride 9301 E: Heavy Duty Slide

Accuride 9301 E: Heavy Duty Slide

Accuride 9301E: Heavy Duty Industrial Slide

Accuride 9301 E has a high reliability and high load capacity, these extra heavy duty slides support 60” wide drawers with slide lengths up to 36”. Well-suited for large pantry pull-outs or other wider, heavier drawers in residences.


  • Full Extension
  • .75 side space
  • Non-disconnect
  • Available in even lengths 10"-36", 40", 42", 44" 48", 54", 60"
  • Clear zinc finish
  • Supports 60" wide drawers with slide lengths up to 36"

Accuride 9301 E is a product of Accuride, NAPPCO Fastener Company is an authorized distributor Accuride

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